Health and FitnessYogaZLatest Updates

Yoga »

Unarguably, health is our greatest wealth! If it’s not good, it will become quite a hassle to accomplish our goals.

Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness »

Having a child is no excuse for being lazy or ignorant when it comes to your fitness and health. In fact, exercising or

Types of Yoga
Health and FitnessYogaZLatest Updates

Types of Yoga »

The word “yoga” has created a much hype in the health and fitness word. It is a popular exercise that provides myriads of

Yoga Exercise for Kids
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Yoga Exercise for Kids »

In the present scenario, yoga is considered as the best form of exercise that promotes mental and physical well-being. People of all age

International Yoga Day
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International Yoga Day »

7th International Yoga Day: History, Themes & Celebration During Covid-19

Yoga is an ancient form of mind and body exercise that helps in


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